Saturday, April 4, 2009

Auto Mounting Disks At Boot

1.Make yourself the owner at mounting. Since this is done during boot up with an fstab entry, change your line to something that id's you as the owner (assuming you are uid 1000):

#Entry for /dev/sdh1 :
UUID=3004A17004A13A2C /media/Movie1 ntfs-3g auto,uid=1000,rw,umask=000 0 0

Note: You can leave the 'users' option in there if you want others to be able to mount/umount the device.

How To Auto-Mount Partitions The Easy Way

1.Mount the partitions you want to auto mount. Places->Removable Media->The drive you want to mount. This will show on the desktop as icons.
2.System->Administration->Authorizations->storage->Mount file systems from internal drives.
3.Explicit Authorization->Grant->your user name.
4.Log-out, and your drives will stay mounted.
5.That's it!

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