Monday, October 31, 2011

Google Chrome App For The Day

An appli a day is good for you!

Go to Google Web Store using Google Chrome, and search for Wikipedia. It just creates a link to the website, but it's nice to have it on your apps list. That is not what I want to share but Wikibooks. Since it's holiday, you may want to read books and learn something new today! I learned Blender 3D from Wikibooks in those days (Although, I still buy from Amazon).You can download it in PDF for your PC. Here's the link:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Kdenlive Problem ? Easy Fix : Stupeflix Video Editor

No Kdenlive? So what!?! Here's another great solution: Stupeflix Video Editor for Google Chrome from Google Chrome Web Store. Works great! Even my sister likes it; even my dog; and make Puss in Boots look green in envy. It's like your video masterpiece was made using Apple's iMovie! It's like having a Mac!

The great thing about this is rendering of videos is blazing fast, it doesn't need a high-end PC since it uses its own servers on the cloud. The only required is fast, broadband connection to upload your videos. But, to make your videos great, make it short and simple. I used Pitivi once to just cut or slice the videos into small bits and upload them altogether, choose a theme or template and there you have it: Hollywood at its finest that it makes me meow for more!!! :)

Hey, how about a Puss in Boots costume?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Chrome Web Store With Thousands Of Apps For All Your Google Chrome Needs

I never thought I've seen the day! Applications? On a web browser? Now, with Google Chrome Web Store it is POSSIBLE!!!

All you need is download and install Google Chrome on your Linux:

Then click the plus (+) icon to create a new tab, and click the Web Store. There you'll find THOUSANDS of apps some of them FREE!!!

Go ahead, try one now! It won't hurt your disk!

Check it out:


Monday, October 24, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Kdenlive Problem

I can't seem to run Kdenlive in Ubuntu 11.10. Having some problem detecting SDL module in MLT framework. To be honest, no solution here but to install another great program called Openshot, which works.

Again, sorry to disappoint you guys with this Ubuntu upgrade. Hopefully, they get it fixed right away. So, my advice is to stick with the previous versions of what you have rather upgrade. I guess, we all learned a lesson.

Thank you for your patience.

(Update) I have another solution for your video editing needs on this post:

It looks promising.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How To Fix Could Not Connect To JACK Server As Client In Ubuntu 11.10

Ok, there seems to be a bug in jackd or ALSA or PulseAudio. I've been working since yesterday to get it to run and did these:

You need to un-install jackd2 and install jackd1 instead using Synaptic.

Then, install Ardour (686), and remove the Ardour default installation.

Run Audacity.

Launch QjackCtl and click Setup->Interface to hw:0,0 or default (vice-versa).

That's it! 

How To Create A Website Using Google Web Toolkit And App Engine

Install Sun Java JRE and JDK:

  • Installing Sun Java from the command line

$sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

  • Choosing the default Java to use

$sudo update-alternatives --config java

  • Then, choose Sun Java

Download and install Eclipse:

  • Choose Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

Set-up JDK in Eclipse:

  • Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs.
  • Click Add, Standard VM->JRE Home, click Directory and choose:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun, then click Finish.
  • Check java-6-sun.

Install Google Web Toolkit and Google App Engine Plug-ins:

  • Help->Install New Software->Click Add, and Use this URL To Download:

  • To install GWT, use this URL:

Now, that everything have been set-up, create a new project:
  • First, you must have a Google Account using Google App Engine.
  • Then, sign-in in Eclipse at the bottom left.
  • In Eclipse, File->New->Web Application Project.
  • Fill-in Project Name and Package, click Finish.
  • Right-click on the created project in the Project Explorer->Google->Deploy to App Engine (This may take awhile).
  • To run the web app, right-click the project->Debug As->Web Application.

You will see a link to launch a web browser. You need to install Google Chrome for debugging, and install the Chrome Web Toolkit Plugin.

  • Add the Browser: Window->Preferences->General->Web Browser. Chrome is located here: /usr/bin/google-chrome.
  • Double-click the link when debugging, then run Chrome.

You will see it's default web application.  

Here's the link on how to Set-up Eclipse for Google Web Toolkit:

Next blog post, we'll do some coding.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Linux Is The Best Free OS In The World !!! How To Upgrade Ubuntu 11.04 To 11.10

Ok, I've tried it, and it is simply AWESOME!!! Look at the gorgeous wallpapers; look at the icons; it's simply gorgeous and beautiful in the eyes, look at the Software Center, it's all FREE!!!

What I did was upgraded my existing Ubuntu 11.04 installation, just clicked Ok and choose the default answers, and it's done, THAT simple!

Go ahead, don't be shy, why don't you try it?

Next blog post, I'll teach you how to create a website FREE using Ubuntu 11.10!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ubuntu 11.10 Is Here !!!

What are you waiting for, Ubuntu 11.10 is Here!!! 
  • Free Software at its finest
  • Open Source All The Way
  • It's Good Looking (yeah, they're talking about me)
  • Sexy like a fox
  • But, I still haven't tried it
  • I'm not being paid
  • But, it's FREE! FREE! FREE! that it HURTS!
Get it Now, And Learn To Earn Money Today!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Using Free (Open Source) Software To Earn Money And Do The Right Thing

There is no money in computers, but then Linux, open source software comes along.

Free software like Linux (and all the other linux desktop variants), will definitely help you do something to earn money. It's like your first steps towards a journey through educating yourself, working hard to make ends meet. I cannot promise you fame and fortune, but it will definitely help you get started.

So, what do you need? A lot of time; a lot of patience. Learn everything you could learn about Linux, in short, learn the trade. From there on, you can make books, e-books, design and create websites, Python (for Google App Engine), PHP (for Facebook), Java (for Android), C++ (Qt for Android by Necessitas and Maestro), and etc.

Besides, money isn't everything. The most important thing in life is learning and doing the right thing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There Is No Money In Computers

I’ve been unemployed for more than three years, and resorted to selling ebooks, software that I developed, digital photos, digital artworks, adsense, etc., on-line. After living years on my own, working in my small room, I must admit that there is no money selling on-line using a computer. The truth is, computers will only make you spend more than earn money. Today, you will see tablets, iphones, androids, anywhere in Youtube, CNET, ZDNet, and other tech websites, but you all see them selling to you and not buying from you. You are not benefitting from these so much technology. I bet that once you buy a tablet, you will spend money, and the money you invested does not give you anything in return except money being spent.