Monday, June 27, 2011

How To Dual-Boot Meego and Ubuntu 10.04

First, you have to prepare these requirements:

Ubuntu Live CD
MeeGo USB Thumb Drive.
A Netbook with Intel Atom processor.
Internet Connection.

First, install Gparted in Ubuntu and partition your resize your drive to free disk space (At least 20GB).

Install Image-Writer in Ubuntu and put MeeGo image you downloaded to a 4GB USB Drive.

Restart and boot from your USB Drive where your MeeGo is.

Install MeeGo on the partition you have free space (Be sure you select Use Free Disk Space and NOT remove the Ubuntu partition). Important: you must use EXT3 as your filesystem and not the standard BTRFS.

Boot from your Ubuntu Live CD and add: ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair in Software Sources.
Install Boot-Repair.

Run Boot-Repair, after that Restart.

Now you have Ubuntu and MeeGo shown as unknown os.

Note: You can also triple boot Ubuntu, MeeGo and even Windows. But, you have to install Windows, Ubuntu, MeeGo, respectively.

Reference Links: Boot-Repair Graphical Tool

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