Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year!

How To Install Your Gnome Desktop With KDE4

1.Go to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager.
2.Search for Kwin and Kde-Core and check to select.
3.Click Install. That's It!

Monday, December 29, 2008

How To Find For Specific Files In A Folder Even The Text Containing It

1.Open Dolphin->Tools->Find Files.
2.Click Browse to the folder you want to search, then type the exact file name in Named including the extension. Or, leave it blank and type the text in Contents tab.
3.Click Find. That's it!

This is useful in searching for text in source code for programmers like me. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How To Filter Files In A Folder

If you want to filter files in a folder like in Gnome, You can also do it in KDE 4.

1.Open Dolphin->Tools->Show Filter Bar.
2.Type the file name you want to filter.
3.That's It!

Note: It is recommended that you configure the tool-bars to show the filter bar.

1.In Dolphin->Settings->Configure Tool-bar.
2.Find the “Filter Tool-bar” on the left and add it to the right box by clicking on it and click the right arrow in the middle.
3.Click Apply. That's it!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

How To Format A USB Drive In Linux

You cannot find a usb disk formatter using these keywords. What you must search in the package manager is partition editor.

1.Open Add/Remove Programs or Synaptic.
2.Search for partition editor or manager, then install.
3.Open the partition editor and see what's available drives you have without the USB drive.
4.Put your USB drive, and determine what is the mount point or drive of your USB drive.
5.Select delete partition, then create partition and choose FAT32 for compatibility with windows machines.
6.Click Apply.
7.That's It! :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

How To Start A Picture Slide-show Using Dolphin In KDE 4

1.Open Dolphin. Right-click on the folder that contains your photos, then Actions->Start Slideshow.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

How To Copy Files On Different Folders Using Dolphin In KDE 4

1.Open Dolphin. Click The Icon Named Split; It will split the window into two.
2.To Change folders between windows, Click on the Icon folder On the top, beside the Home directory.
3.In order for you to copy the directory to your scripts or whatever, click on the space on the right highlighting Home directory, then click the return arrow to return.
4.To Close the window, click on the Home folder name then click close on the upper corner on the tool-bar.
5.That's It!

How To Convert Photos To Another Format Like JPEG To PNG In KDE 4

1.Open your File Manager, Dolphin.
2.Right-click on the photo->Actions->Convert To->PNG.
3.That's It!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Merry Christmas! :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Suggestion On Improving Ubuntu Linux

I've been using Linux for years now, and I find it a good or best alternative to “the” other OS. Every release of Ubuntu gives me the impression that it gets getting better with features that is essential keeping up with the latest trends in computing. What I find awkward in Operating Systems is that once you start your computer, it boots first then you type in your username and password, then the desktop manager loads last. The problem with this is the system loads its programs like networking BEFORE you type in your username and password, and I think can be a security issue. What I think is a better approach is once you start your computer, it gets your login first then boots the OS until the desktop manager loads, this way the programs loads after the security log-in, and it's more convenient since you won't be waiting for it to boot first then typing your log-in info then wait for the graphical desktop.

What do you think?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How To Access Your Most Used Programs On KDE 4

1.Click on the KDE Menu button, then right-click on the program icon, choose Add To Favorites. That's It!

News About Security Part 2

1.Check this out:
2.And this:

Friday, December 19, 2008

News About Security

1.Run your Firefox web browser and check out this link:
2.To Confirm The News:
3.Another News:
4.Recent News:

How To Edit Your Menu For Searching Programs Easily On KDE 4

1.Right-click the KDE Menu button->Menu Editor.
2.Expand the tree menus and search for the programs you use often.
3.Put similar descriptions to your programs, eg. Audio Editor or Sound Editor.
4.Click Save.
5.Now, when you click the KDE menu button, you could type the program you want to run on the search box on the top of the menu.
6.That's it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Fix Sound In Asus Eeepc On KDE 4

1.Click on the Menu button->System Settings->Sound.
2.On Audio Output, Prefer default on all settings.
3.Click Apply. That's it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How To Record Sound On Your Asus Eeepc Using The Built-in Mic

1.Click on the volume icon on the lower right in the task bar, then click on the mixer button.
2.Settings->Configure Channels. Check Front Mic, Capture, Digital, Input Source.
3.On the volume mixer, click on the drop down list Input Source and choose Front Mic. Also, click on the Capture check box and adjust the slider to your choosing (Usually, somewhere in the middle). You may also adjust the slider of Front Mic to hear sound from your speakers.
4.On Audacity, click on the volume meter on the upper right, to check for the volume level of your front microphone.
5.Click Record Button, and Enjoy! :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

How To Fit The Window On Your Asus Eeepc Netbook Screen On KDE 4

1.Open the Window.
2.On the upper-left corner, click on the icon and select Advanced->Special Window Settings->Preferences.
3.Check No Border, on the drop-down list choose Force, then click the check box on the right.
4.Click Ok. That's it! Now, you could see the “Ok,” “Cancel” buttons.

Note: If you want to access this menu, press Alt-F3 on your keyboard.

How To Install World Of Padman Game To A Pentium 2 Computer

1.First, you must have another computer that meets the minimum requirements of World Of Padman (WOP). Install it there then go to Setup and use a smaller resolution, then save it.
2.Copy the folder where you installed it to your USB pen drive. Also, copy the configuration files by viewing the root folder's hidden files where you installed WOP.
3.Go to your Pentium 2 computer and copy-paste the files from your USB drive to disk.
4.Run WOP. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

How To Add The Terminal (Console/Command Line) In KDE4

1.Open Dolphin Folder Manager.
3.That's It! Now, you don't have to right-click to the folder every time you want a terminal.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How To Fix The Blender UI Problem On Asus Eeepc

You might encounter problems using Blender in Ubuntu like the title bar is missing or when you exit the program, the interface is still there and you have to click on another workspace for it to disappear. To fix the problem, just turn off desktop effects:

In Gnome: Right-click on the desktop->Change Background->Desktop Effects->Turn off Effects.

In KDE: System Settings->Desktop->Desktop Effects and uncheck Enable Effects.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How To Modify The Look And Feel of Your Qt Jambi Application

Just add this line on your Main Window:

QApplication.setStyle(new QWindowsStyle());

Check this link:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Installing Google AppEngine In Eclipse Ganymede

1. Install Python 2.5.
2. Download App-Engine SDK and documentation.
3. Extract to directory.
4. If using Eclipse, follow the instructions listed here:

5. On the eclipse integration with assembla, you will need the Mylyn + extras plugin. Install those first. If you are familiar with Trac it should be easy. But learning Trac is not that hard.

Trac is the issue tracking tool used by assembla which is well integrated with svn. So you will need Subclipse too.

6. On your update manager in eclipse, add these links :
Subclipse :
Mylyn :
Mylyn Extras :

7. Choose to install all features of Mylyn including the extras for the Trac plugin.

8. On subclipse, point your new repository from assembla (Or, other code repository) via Subversion Repository Exploring perspective.

(documentation for eclipse provided by Jose Maranan)

Using Audacity on Asus Eeepc

If you have an Ubuntu 8.04 installed on an Eeepc and will be using Audacity, the default ALSA will not work only the Jack Connection would work, but how do you configure your JACK?

Install Qjackctl using synaptic:

1. Go to System->Adminstration->Synaptic Package Manager.
2. Search on Qjackctl and check then install.
3. Go to Applications->Sound & Video->Jack Control.
4. Configure using these settings:

* Driver: oss
* Frames/ Period: 512
* Sample rate: 48000
* Periods/ Buffer: 20
* Word Length: 16
* Port Maximum: 1024
* Timeout: 5000
* Audio: Duplex

5. Click OK then Start jackd.
6. Run Audacity, then Edit-> Preferences.
7. Playback device and Recording device choose Jack Connection.
8. On the lower left side of the tracks, choose 48000 instead of 41000.
9. Record, Play, and Enjoy!

Or, you could upgrade to 8.10 Intrepid Ibex and is fixed by default without going into this trouble. :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Want To Learn Java Using Qt Jambi For Free?

If you want to program in Java using Qt Jambi Framework from Nokia, this is it. Though this is just a tutorial of the basics, you will learn how to create your first Qt GUI program and run it. It also includes Java topics such as Language Basics: Strings, Numbers, Arrays, String Builder, Expressions, Statements, Blocks, and OOP concepts like Classes, Objects, and so on. It also include a link where you could copy and paste the source code book example creating your own Photo Slideshow!

1.Go to this Link:

How To Upgrade Your Ubuntu

1.Go to System-> Administration->Software Sources->Updates.
2.Release Upgrade, choose Normal Releases.
3.Then, go to System-> Administration->Update Manager.
4.Click on the button upgrade. This would take hours, depending on your Internet connection and computer speed.